After working for years in the emergency medical field, having duties that required to utilise every single second in order to prevent a life to be lost or to try and revive a lost life
After studying, in advanced modules, the human factors that affect results and performance in those fields
Achieving an MBA and leading teams of high-performance members as a Senior Leader
Becoming the Head of Improvement, learning scientific ways to work towards excellence and continuous improving performance
Getting promoted 5 times in 7 years
And most recently studying Coaching on a Professional Diploma level, after having coached many clinicians, managers, senior managers and Chief-level individuals, Olympic Qualifier athletes and people that want to perform in competitions
I have decided to put all my knowledge and experience into the Improve to Succeed Coaching practice, with the purpose of serving you achieve what initially feels impossible.
I have decided that the ideal people that I want to serve, are the Leaders, Athletes and Entrepreneurs that feel stuck due to self-doubt,fear of failure/judgment and impostersyndrome.
The Improve to Succeed Coaching services are individualised - we even have created our own signature Performance Coaching model named I.D.E.A.L.S.